“There’s no judgement here. We are real people — kind, compassionate & empathetic — giving you space to be seen & heard. We’ll help you discover ways to heal physically & emotionally through Pilates.”
Be. PILATES & FITNESS isn’t like any other studio, and we don’t expect you to be like anyone else either. We assess each client and provide the training and coaching you need to meet your fitness goals. Whether you are an elite athlete with years of Pilates experience or someone starting (or restarting) a fitness routine who’s never seen a reformer before, you belong here.
We aren’t fussy or pretentious. We want you to feel like family - comfortable, supported & encouraged. We want you to love yourself just as you are, proud of what you are able to do today, while being inspired and challenged to build & grow.
We believe in progress, not perfection. There’s no judgement here. We are real people — kind, compassionate & empathetic — giving you space to be seen & heard. We'll help you discover ways to heal physically and emotionally through Pilates. We want you to be your best self and will be here cheering you on, while pushing ourselves to be our very best right alongside you — every. step. of. the. way.
At Be. PILATES & FITNESS you will be strong, moved, centered, empowered & transformed. We love Pilates. We believe in it. We live it. We’ve used it to transform our bodies and the bodies of clients for years. We know Pilates can help you lose weight, strengthen your core, improve balance, increase flexibility, correct posture, recover from injury & protect against damage to your body. It’s good for your mind, too. There’s something very calming about working on a reformer. The mind-body connection required for coordination & control along with the fluidity of movement reduces tension, helping us feel centered & calm.
We care about you & your well-being. We’re passionate about helping you achieve your fitness goals & improve your health. Thank you for choosing us to be part of your journey.